Whether it is profiling or selection services, standing orders or a comprehensive review of your existing collection, Westbooks is committed to helping you.
Westbooks is PERTH based and operates exclusively in WA. Our focus is on Western Australia and providing WA libraries with the best possible service, competitive pricing and the fastest turnaround times. Taking care of your library is our priority.
Your readers deserve to see new release titles on your library shelves at the same time as the titles appear in local book stores. We only supply to Western Australian libraries, so your order will never be placed in a queue competing with Eastern States libraries. We will deliver to you shelf ready and as close to the release date as possible. For popular or embargoed titles that will usually be within a day or two.
We are available during WA business hours to answer your queries. We are also able to visit you on short notice to answer any questions you may have. Alternatively you can visit us at our facility in Burswood.
No lock-in contracts: We will never ask you to sign a contract.
No minimum orders or spending level requirements. No matter what your budget, we will provide a tailored, up to date range of titles to suit. The needs of your readers are more important to us than the size of your budget.
With no lock in-contracts, why not experience the Westbooks difference today?
08 9361 4211